共通テスト英語長文対策問題010 生命の起源




記事の監修者:五十嵐弓益(いがらし ゆみます)

【全国通信教育】最短合格オンラインのスカイ予備校 校長


The origin of life is one of the most profound mysteries in science. For centuries, scientists and philosophers have pondered how life began on Earth. While the exact processes that led to the emergence of life remain unclear, several leading theories offer insights into how life might have originated.

One of the most widely accepted theories is the “primordial soup” hypothesis, first proposed by Alexander Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane in the 1920s. According to this theory, the early Earth had a chemically rich environment, with the oceans filled with organic molecules. Energy from sources such as lightning, volcanic activity, and ultraviolet radiation from the sun could have triggered chemical reactions in this “soup,” leading to the formation of more complex molecules, including the building blocks of life such as amino acids and nucleotides. Over time, these molecules could have combined to form the first simple life forms.

Another significant theory is the “hydrothermal vent” hypothesis. This theory suggests that life might have originated at the bottom of the ocean near hydrothermal vents—cracks in the Earth’s surface that release hot, mineral-rich water. These environments are rich in energy and chemicals that could have provided the necessary conditions for life to begin. The heat and mineral content of the water could have facilitated the synthesis of organic molecules and the formation of

early life forms, possibly in the form of simple bacteria.

A more recent theory is the “panspermia” hypothesis, which proposes that life did not originate on Earth at all but was instead brought here from elsewhere in the universe. According to this theory, microscopic life forms or the basic building blocks of life could have been carried to Earth on comets, asteroids, or meteorites. While this theory does not explain how life began in the first place, it suggests that life could be more widespread in the universe than previously thought.

Despite the differences between these theories, they share a common theme: the idea that life began from simple chemical compounds that gradually evolved into more complex forms. Understanding the origin of life is crucial not only for understanding our own existence but also for the search for life beyond Earth. If we can determine how life began here, it may help us recognize signs of life on other planets or moons.

In conclusion, while the exact origins of life on Earth remain a mystery, the various theories offer intriguing possibilities. Whether life began in a primordial soup, at hydrothermal vents, or came from outer space, the study of life’s origins continues to be a fascinating and vital area of research in science.


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  1. What is the main idea of the “primordial soup” hypothesis?

a) Life originated in outer space.

b) Life began in hydrothermal vents.

c) Early Earth had a chemically rich environment where simple life forms could have developed.

d) Life was created through spontaneous generation. e) Life forms were brought to Earth by comets.

2. According to the passage, where does the “hydrothermal vent” hypothesis suggest life might have originated?

a) On the surface of the Earth

b) In the atmosphere

c) At the bottom of the ocean near hydrothermal vents

d) On other planets

e) In volcanic craters

3. What is the central idea of the “panspermia” hypothesis?

a) Life originated on Earth due to volcanic activity.

b) Life forms evolved from lightning and ultraviolet radiation.

c) Life was brought to Earth from elsewhere in the universe.

d) Life began in deep-sea hydrothermal vents.

e) Life on Earth was created by a unique chemical process.

4. Which of the following do the theories mentioned in the passage have in common?

a) They all suggest that life began from complex organisms.

b) They all propose that life started on other planets.

c) They all involve the idea that life began from simple chemical compounds.

d) They all dismiss the possibility of life originating from Earth.

e) They all attribute the origin of life to divine intervention.

5. Why is understanding the origin of life important, according to the passage?

a) It helps us determine the age of the Earth.

b) It could assist in finding life beyond Earth.

c) It proves the existence of extraterrestrial beings.

d) It confirms the primordial soup hypothesis.

e) It reveals the purpose of human existence.





c) Early Earth had a chemically rich environment where simple life forms could have developed.


「primordial soup」仮説は、初期の地球が化学的に豊かな環境であり、単純な生命体が発生した可能性があると説明しています。



c) At the bottom of the ocean near hydrothermal vents


「hydrothermal vent」仮説では、生命が海底の熱水噴出口付近で発生した可能性があると述べられています。



c) Life was brought to Earth from elsewhere in the universe.





c) They all involve the idea that life began from simple chemical compounds.





b) It could assist in finding life beyond Earth.











