共通テスト英語長文対策問題009 火星移住計画




記事の監修者:五十嵐弓益(いがらし ゆみます)

【全国通信教育】最短合格オンラインのスカイ予備校 校長


The idea of colonizing Mars has fascinated scientists and the public alike for decades. With advancements in space technology and the growing interest in space exploration, the possibility of establishing a human settlement on Mars is closer than ever before. However, the challenges associated with such a mission are immense, and many questions remain about the feasibility of living on the Red Planet.

One of the primary challenges of colonizing Mars is its harsh environment. Mars has a thin atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide, with very little oxygen. The planet also experiences extreme temperatures, with daytime highs reaching only around 20°C and nighttime lows plummeting to -80°C or lower. Additionally, Mars lacks a global magnetic field, which means that its surface is constantly bombarded by harmful cosmic radiation. Any human settlement on Mars would need to be well-shielded and capable of providing a stable, breathable atmosphere for its inhabitants.

Another significant challenge is the lack of readily available water on Mars. While evidence suggests that water exists in the form of ice at the poles and beneath the surface, accessing and utilizing this water would require advanced technology and substantial energy. Water is essential not only for drinking but also for growing food, producing oxygen, and generating fuel. Thus, the ability to sustainably source and manage water on Mars is a critical factor in the success of any colonization effort.

Furthermore, the psychological and social aspects of living on Mars present additional challenges. The extreme isolation, confinement, and distance from Earth could have significant effects on the mental health of the colonists. Communication with Earth would be delayed by up to 24 minutes each way, making real-time conversations impossible. This isolation could lead to feelings of loneliness and anxiety among the settlers. Developing strategies to maintain mental well-being and foster a sense of community among the colonists will be essential.

Despite these challenges, many believe that the colonization of Mars is a necessary step for the future of humanity. Earth faces numerous threats, including climate change, overpopulation, and potential asteroid impacts. Establishing a human presence on Mars could serve as a “plan B” for humanity, ensuring the survival of our species in the event of a global catastrophe. Moreover, the technological innovations developed for Mars colonization could have significant benefits for life on Earth, from advances in renewable energy to improvements in sustainable agriculture.

In conclusion, while the colonization of Mars presents numerous challenges, it also offers unprecedented opportunities. The success of such a mission will depend on our ability to overcome the environmental, technological, and psychological hurdles that stand in the way. As humanity looks to the stars, the dream of making Mars our second home continues to inspire and drive the pursuit of knowledge and exploration.




1. What is one of the primary environmental challenges of colonizing Mars mentioned in the passage?

a) The lack of gravity on Mars

b) The presence of large oceans on the planet

c) The thin atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide

d) The abundance of oxygen in the atmosphere

e) The high levels of plant life on the surface

2. Why is water considered a critical factor in the success of Mars colonization?

a) It is needed to build structures on Mars

b) It is necessary for growing food, producing oxygen, and generating fuel

c) It is abundant on the surface of Mars

d) It is not needed for Mars colonization

e) It is primarily used for cooling spacecraft

3. What psychological challenge could settlers on Mars face due to the distance from Earth?

a) Real-time communication with Earth will be impossible, leading to feelings of loneliness and anxiety

b) They will have access to more entertainment options

c) They will experience an abundance of social interaction

d) They will have constant real-time conversations with family and friends on Earth

e) They will be able to travel back to Earth frequently

4. What is one of the potential benefits of Mars colonization for humanity as mentioned in the passage?

a) It will allow humans to abandon Earth permanently

b) It will ensure the survival of humanity in the event of a global catastrophe

c) It will enable humans to communicate instantly with other planets

d) It will reduce the population on Earth significantly

e) It will eliminate the need for space exploration entirely

5. According to the passage, what is a key factor for the success of a Mars colonization mission?

a) Overcoming the environmental, technological, and psychological challenges

b) Reducing the number of people on Mars to a minimum

c) Making Mars identical to Earth in every way

d) Avoiding any technological advancements

e) Isolating settlers from each other to avoid conflict


設問 1


A. 火星には重力がないこと  

B. 惑星に大きな海が存在すること  

C. 薄い大気が主に二酸化炭素で構成されていること  

D. 大気中に酸素が豊富にあること  

E. 地表に植物が多く存在すること  


C. 薄い大気が主に二酸化炭素で構成されていること  



設問 2


A. 火星で建造物を建設するために必要だから  

B. 食物の栽培、酸素の生成、燃料の生産に必要だから  

C. 火星の地表に豊富に存在するから  

D. 火星移住には必要ないから  

E. 主に宇宙船の冷却に使用されるから  


B. 食物の栽培、酸素の生成、燃料の生産に必要だから 



設問 3


A. リアルタイムでの地球との通信が不可能であり、孤独感や不安感を引き起こす  

B. より多くの娯楽の選択肢にアクセスできる  

C. 社会的交流が豊富になる  

D. 地球の家族や友人と常にリアルタイムで会話ができる  

E. 頻繁に地球に戻ることができる  


A. リアルタイムでの地球との通信が不可能であり、孤独感や不安感を引き起こす  



設問 4


A. 人類が地球を完全に放棄することができる  

B. 世界的な災害が発生した場合に人類の生存を確保すること  

C. 人類が他の惑星と瞬時に通信できるようになること  

D. 地球の人口を大幅に減少させること  

E. 宇宙探査の必要性を完全に排除すること  


B. 世界的な災害が発生した場合に人類の生存を確保すること 



設問 5


A. 環境的、技術的、心理的課題を克服すること  

B. 火星の人口を最小限に抑えること  

C. 火星を地球と完全に同じにすること  

D. いかなる技術的進歩も避けること  

E. 紛争を避けるために植民者を互いに隔離すること  


A. 環境的、技術的、心理的課題を克服すること 












