群馬県公立高校入試 英語 長文[2]2024年〜2019年 英文と日本語訳


記事の監修者:五十嵐弓益(いがらし ゆみます)

【全国通信教育】最短合格オンラインのスカイ予備校 校長








One day, I was watching a TV program. A woman was talking about her experience. Her name is Ann Makosinski. She is from *Canada. She likes science. She also likes to invent new things. She has made many useful things until now. When I heard about her story, I was really surprised.

When she was a student, she visited *the Philippines. During her stay, she met a girl and the girl became her best friend. Ann went back to Canada, and they *kept in touch with each other. Then Ann heard something sad from her best friend. Her friend said, “I couldn’t do well on the *tests at school. My family is poor, so we don’t have any *electricity at night. I cannot study enough.” When Ann heard about this, she became very sad. They were both students and almost the same *age, but her friend’s life was very different. Ann wanted to do something about this problem to help her friend. Then an idea to make *energy came to her. She knew that we could use *heat to make energy because she was interested in science and studied a lot. She thought that she could use that *knowledge to help her friend. Then by using that knowledge, she invented a *flashlight. It uses the heat of a person’s hand. When you have this flashlight in your hand, the heat of the hand becomes energy and you can use the flashlight. She made it for her best friend.

Now, I am fifteen years old. When Ann invented the flashlight, she was only fifteen years old, too. She used her knowledge and invented the flashlight to help her friend. With her idea, she can help even more children who have the same problem. When I heard about Ann’s experience, I thought about myself and realized two things. We can help people by using things we have learned at school like Ann. If we use our knowledge, we can find ways to *solve problems. Also, it is important for us to be interested in many things. If we have *interest and knowledge, it will be easy to do something about problems. I didn’t *deeply think about the question, “Why do I study?”, before. But now I understand why I study.

There are many problems in our lives and people who need help. I want to look around and think about how I can use my knowledge. Also, I want to keep studying. Then I may bring a little change to the world someday like Ann. I want to be someone who can help to make the world better.








Shohei’s Speech about His Homestay Experience

Last August, I went to New Zealand and stayed with a *host family. They had a boy who was as old as me. His name was Bob. Before I went there, he sent me an e-mail and said that they had a very large *farm. Also, he said that there were about three hundred *cows on the farm. I love animals, so I was very excited.

I stayed with Bob’s family for two weeks and went to school with Bob. He always helped me at school when I was *in trouble. After school, he helped his family on the farm. At first, I didn’t know what to do. So Bob showed me how to *milk the cows and clean the cows’ beds. Working on the large farm was very hard, but it was interesting to learn something new.

One day, I got up early. When I looked outside, Bob and his father were trying to move the cows. However, some cows didn’t want to move, so Bob’s father was *pushing them. Other cows were running away, so Bob was trying to catch them. I ran to Bob and said, “I will help you!” Bob answered, “Oh, that’s great! Thank you.” Then I helped Bob catch and move the cows. After that, Bob’s father said, “Thank you very much, Shohei. The cows should eat a lot of *grass to make good milk. When there is not enough grass on one area of the farm, we need to move them to another area.” Bob said, “I was very glad when you came and helped us. Thank you.” I was glad, too. They always helped me, so I really wanted to help them.

Bob and I became very good friends. I will never forget him and the things I learned there. Now I think it is very important to help people when they are in trouble.





ある日、私は早く起きました。外を見ると、ボブと彼の父親が牛を移動させようとしていました。しかし、何頭かの牛は動こうとせず、ボブの父親が押していました。他の牛たちは逃げ回っていたので、ボブはそれを捕まえようとしていました。私はボブのところへ走っていき、「手伝うよ!」と言いました。するとボブは「わぁ、助かるよ! ありがとう!」と答えました。そして私はボブと一緒に牛を捕まえて移動させました。その後、ボブの父親が「翔平、本当にありがとう。牛たちは良いミルクを作るためにたくさんの牧草を食べる必要があるんだ。牧場の一部の牧草が足りなくなったときは、別の場所に移動させなければならないんだよ」と言いました。ボブは「君が来て手伝ってくれて本当に嬉しかったよ。ありがとう」と言いました。私も嬉しかったです。ボブたちはいつも私を助けてくれたので、私も彼らを助けたいと思いました。




Ms. Brown’s Speech about Sundials and Clocks

Last Sunday, I visited Gunma Astronomical Observatory with our science teacher, Ms. Tanaka. When we arrived there, I saw something large outside. I asked Ms. Tanaka, “What is this large thing?” Ms. Tanaka said, “It is a sundial. It is a kind of clock which uses *shadow. You can know the time by the *position of the shadow. This kind of clock was the first clock in history.” Then she told me about the history of clocks and watches. It was very interesting, so I will talk about it today.

About 6,000 years ago, people in *Egypt made the first sundial. Sundials were useful. But people couldn’t use them at night or when it was cloudy. Later, people started to use water to make clocks. They *were able to know the time at night with water clocks. But in cold areas, water becomes ice in winter. About 700 years ago, people in *Europe started to make new clocks which did not use shadow or water. They were *mechanical clocks, and they were large and heavy. So people wanted to make smaller clocks. About 500 years ago, people started to make watches. People were able to wear them, so they always knew the time.

People in many parts of the world have been looking for a better way of knowing the time. Today, many people have watches, and you can find clocks in so many places. They are in our houses, in our classrooms, in stations, and in shops. Clocks and watches are very useful in our lives today. Knowing the right time is very important for us. I had some troubles when I didn’t know the right time. Do you have any experiences like that?





世界中の多くの人々は、より良い方法で時間を知る手段を探し続けてきました。今日では、多くの人々が腕時計を持ち、私たちの家、教室、駅、そしてお店など、さまざまな場所で時計を見ることができます。 時計や腕時計は、今日の私たちの生活にとても役立っています。正しい時間を知ることは私たちにとってとても重要です。私は時間が分からなくて困ったことが何度かありました。 皆さんもそのような経験はありますか?



Mary’s Email to Hiroshi

Dear Hiroshi,

Thank you for your e-mail. I really enjoyed seeing your pictures. I was happy to see you and your family in them.

Today I want your *advice. I love playing the piano and playing basketball. I started my piano lessons when I was five years old. I think I am good at playing it. When I play my favorite songs on the piano, I feel so happy. Then, when I was eleven, I started playing basketball. Playing basketball with my friends is a lot of fun. Also, by playing it, I learned an important thing. That is to help each other.

But now I think it’s better to choose the piano or basketball.

First, ( A ). I sometimes worry about my *fingers during my basketball games. When I *hurt my fingers, I cannot play the piano. My sister also loves the piano, and she played basketball when she was young. But she stopped playing it because she didn’t want to hurt her fingers. She still likes watching basketball games, but she doesn’t play it now. I like playing basketball better than watching it. So I don’t want to stop playing it easily.

Next, ( B ). I hear we can be really good at something if we practice it for 10,000 hours. My sister is so good at playing the piano because she spends a lot of time at the piano. I want to play the piano like her. Also, I really like my basketball team. I want to play basketball better and help my team. But I will not have time to practice both the piano and basketball.

I like both the piano and basketball, and I don’t know what to do. I want your advice. What do you think?

Your friend,







まず、( A ) 。私はバスケットボールの試合中に*指のことを心配することがあるの。*指を怪我するとピアノが弾けなくなってしまうの。私の姉もピアノが大好きで、子どもの頃はバスケットボールもやっていたわ。でも、指を怪我したくなくて、バスケットボールをやめたの。今でもバスケットボールの試合を見るのは好きだけど、もうプレーはしていないの。私はバスケットボールを観るよりもプレーするほうが好きなの。だから、簡単にはやめたくないの。

次に、( B ) 。「何かを本当に上達させるには1万時間の練習が必要」と聞いたことがあるの。私の姉はピアノがとても上手なの。なぜなら、たくさんの時間をピアノの練習に費やしているからよ。私も姉のようにピアノを弾けるようになりたいの。でも、私はバスケットボールのチームも大好きなの。もっと上手くなって、チームの役に立ちたい。でも、ピアノとバスケットボールの両方を練習する時間はないのよ。


