記事の監修者:五十嵐弓益(いがらし ゆみます)
【全国通信教育】最短合格オンラインのスカイ予備校 校長
There are many ways of communication. We can give information by words. We can also show how we feel by our voice and expressions on our faces. But pictures are very useful when we give information.
On streets and in buildings, we can see many kinds of signs that use pictures. Look at Picture X. This is a sign that tells us the place of the door to go out from a building when there is a fire, for example. When we see this sign, we can easily find the door to go out from the building. Like this, pictures tell us information without words. This picture is very famous, and it was made by a Japanese group in 1980. The leader of the group allowed other people to use this, and you can see many signs which look like this in many countries.
One Japanese designer said, “When we try to make signs, our traditional culture tells us what to do.” As one example of Japanese traditional culture, we have kamon. Kamon is a family symbol. When we see it, we know the name of the family. On some kamon, you can see simple pictures of birds, and on different kamon, you can see simple pictures of flowers. Picture Y is an example. On kamon, Japanese people showed the name of the family by using simple pictures of things around us. This Japanese designer tried to make new signs in the same way.
There is another example of famous signs made by Japanese people. Before the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964, Japanese people wanted people coming from other countries to feel comfortable and enjoy their stay in Tokyo. So they began to make a lot of things ready. Some Japanese designers thought that something was necessary to show people who didn’t know the Japanese language how to go to the places they wanted to visit. They thought simple signs were necessary to do so, and decided to make them without any Japanese words on them. They finally made simple picture signs which people who didn’t know the Japanese language could easily understand. For example, someone who wanted to go to the swimming pool could go there by finding a sign which had a simple picture of a swimming person and following the sign. They made signs for all the sports. These signs were made and used in Tokyo for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games. The simple picture signs helped a lot of people who didn’t know the Japanese language.
Many different languages are used in the world. That is to use simple pictures. By using simple pictures we can get over language differences. Japanese people have helped people by making them and using them. In this age of globalization, it is important for us to use a simple way of communication that all of us can understand when we try to understand each other. Today we have more chances to meet people from different countries, so simple ways of communication are more important than before. In 2020, we will have the Olympic Games in Tokyo again, and a lot of people will visit Japan. There are a lot of things that we can do for them. What will you do?
街中や建物の中では、絵を使った様々な種類の標識を見ることができます。Picture X を見てください。これは、例えば火事の時に建物から出るためのドアの場所を教えてくれる標識です。この標識を見ると、建物から出るためのドアを簡単に見つけることができます。このように、絵は言葉を使わずに情報を伝えてくれます。この絵は非常に有名で、1980年に日本のグループによって作られました。グループのリーダーは他の人々がこれを使用することを許可し、このような標識は多くの国で見られます。
ある日本のデザイナーは、「標識を作ろうとするとき、伝統文化が何をすべきか教えてくれる」と言いました。日本の伝統文化の一例として、家紋 (kamon) があります。家紋 (kamon) は家族のシンボルです。これを見ると、その家族の名前がわかります。いくつかの家紋 (kamon) には鳥の簡単な絵が描かれており、別の家紋 (kamon) には花の簡単な絵が描かれています。Picture Y はその例です。家紋 (kamon) では、身の回りの物の簡単な絵を使って家族の名前を表していました。この日本のデザイナーは、同じ方法で新しい標識を作ろうとしました。
I like birds. I have read many books written about birds. I have found an interesting story in a book. Today I will tell you a story about a mudflat. A mudflat is a good place for birds. There is a man who saved one mudflat in Japan.
When the man was an elementary school student, he often visited a beautiful mudflat near his house with his friends. He enjoyed catching fish, looking for crabs and watching birds.
After about twenty years, he visited the mudflat again. He became sad when he saw the mudflat. It was not the mudflat which he remembered. No child was playing there because of a lot of litter. There were a lot of old shoes, plastic bottles, broken bikes and other things on the mudflat. He decided to clean the mudflat.
He began to clean the mudflat alone. He was busy because he had a job. But he came to the mudflat to clean it every day, even on rainy days. People never helped him. They said to him, “You don’t have to do it alone because we want to do it with you.” They couldn’t understand him. They thought he could not make the mudflat beautiful again.
One day, he was tired and began to lose hope. At that time, he found something under the mountain of litter. There was a small crab walking on the mud. He saw the same kind of crab on the mudflat when he was a child. He was surprised. He never thought that he could see it again on such an unclean mudflat. “I still have a hope for the future! I will be able to show children the beautiful mudflat again.” He thought so and began to work harder.
Also, he walked around the large ground near the mudflat to know how many eggs of birds there were. He did this for four months, and he found about nine thousand eggs of birds. He found another hope. He thought, “Here, so many birds are living and baby birds are born. For birds, I want to save the mudflat as a place to get food.” He told people that the mudflat was a very important place for birds.
One day after cleaning the mudflat, he found a cup of hot tea and a short letter written to him. He was happy to know that there was someone who understood him. Later, some children began to come to the mudflat to play. They enjoyed catching crabs and looking for worms. Their mothers also came to help him. The groups of people came to the mudflat, put the litter on the trucks and worked together to clean the mudflat. It became more beautiful than before. A lot of people began to visit it to have a good time. The mudflat became famous, and the city also helped him. He kept cleaning the mudflat for about twenty years, and finally, it was registered as a protection zone in an international convention.
Why was the man able to save the environment? He started working alone, but he wasn’t able to save it alone. A lot of people understood and helped him, because they knew he was working hard for many years. He kept working because he had hopes for the future. We can learn from this story that if we have a dream, we can get a strong power and we can do a difficult thing.
約20年後、彼はその干潟を再び訪れました。彼はその干潟を見て悲しくなりました。 それは彼が覚えている干潟ではありませんでした。たくさんのゴミのせいで、そこでは誰も遊んでいませんでした。古い靴、プラスチックのボトル、壊れた自転車、その他のものが干潟に散らばっていました。彼は干潟をきれいにすることを決心しました。
彼は一人で干潟の掃除を始めました。仕事があったので忙しかったのですが、毎日、雨の日でも干潟に通って掃除を続けました。誰も彼を手伝ってくれませんでした。 彼らは彼にこう言いました、「あなたは一人でやる必要はありません。私たちは一緒にやりたいのです。」しかし、彼らは彼を理解していませんでした。彼が干潟を元の美しい状態に戻すことはできないと思っていました。
また、干潟の近くの広い土地を歩き回り、鳥の卵がいくつあるかを調べました。4ヶ月間それを続け、約9000個の鳥の卵を見つけました。彼は新たな希望を見つけました。 「ここにはたくさんの鳥が住んでいて、ヒナが生まれている。鳥たちのために、干潟を食べ物を得る場所として守りたい。」 彼は人々に干潟が鳥にとって非常に重要な場所であると伝えました。
ある日、干潟の掃除を終えた後、彼は温かいお茶のカップと短い手紙を見つけました。誰かが彼を理解してくれていることを知って嬉しくなりました。その後、子供たちが干潟に遊びに来るようになりました。彼らはカニを捕ったり、虫を探したりして楽しみました。 その母親たちも彼を手伝いに来ました。多くの人々が干潟に来て、トラックにゴミを積み込み、協力して干潟をきれいにしました。それは以前よりも美しくなりました。たくさんの人々が楽しむために訪れるようになりました。干潟は有名になり、市も協力してくれるようになりました。彼は約20年間干潟の掃除を続け、最終的にその干潟は国際的な保護区域として登録されました。
There are a lot of people around us. Some people have the same ideas and other people have different ones. Is it difficult to be friends with people who have different ideas? Animals may have some answers to this question.
People have been good friends with some animals for a long time. Some people have animals at home as their pets. A lot of children like to go to a zoo to see animals.
Some people say, “Animals sometimes look like people.” Do you agree? Other people say, “Animals can feel sad and love other animals, too.” Do you believe it? You may not believe it but there are some examples.
For example, a dog is happy and moves its tail fast when its owner comes home and is happy to see the dog. Have you ever seen a cat that comes to its owner and tries to cheer its owner up when the owner is crying? How about a dog that looks sad when its owner is sad? These are some of the examples which show that animals share feelings with people.
The following story is one of the examples which shows a good relationship between two different kinds of animals. It is about a bear and a cat at a zoo.
The bear was born in the zoo and lived there throughout its life. One day, a cat came to the zoo. The cat went into the bear’s cage. When the cat and the bear saw each other, the cat walked to the bear. The cat wasn’t afraid of the bear and the bear didn’t attack the cat. They became friends. They ate the same food together. They slept together.
People were surprised to see the relationship between the big animal and the small animal. One of the workers at the zoo said, “It’s not usual to see such a good relationship between two different kinds of animals. People who visit this zoo like watching them.”
One day the bear was moved from its cage. The cage was old and the workers had to repair it. After the bear was moved to a place in a building, the cat walked around the cage and looked for the bear but it couldn’t find its friend. Finally, the workers finished repairing the cage and they moved the bear to the new cage. The cat also came to the cage. The cat could go into the cage and go out of it again. The bear and the cat had a good time together again, so they looked happy.
You may not believe that these two different kinds of animals became such good friends. We don’t know why the bear and the cat had a happy time together without fighting, but it is important to try to learn something from these animals. Different kinds of animals can live happily together. So we can also live happily together with a lot of people in the world.
You may think it is not easy because some people have different ideas and other people speak different languages. To have good relationships with them, we should try to understand each other and to share our ideas. I hope we can live happily together like the bear and the cat.
そのクマは動物園で生まれ、一生をそこで過ごしました。ある日、1匹のネコが動物園にやって来ました。ネコはクマの檻の中に入りました。 クマとネコはお互いを見つめました。そして、ネコはクマの方へ歩いていきました。ネコはクマを怖がらず、クマもネコを襲いませんでした。2匹は友達になりました。彼らは同じ食べ物を食べ、一緒に眠りました。
大きな動物と小さな動物の関係を見て、人々は驚きました。 動物園のスタッフの1人はこう言いました。「異なる種類の動物がこんなに良い関係を築くのは珍しいことです。この動物園を訪れる人々は、2匹の姿を見るのが好きです。」
ある日、クマは檻から移されました。檻が古くなっていたため、スタッフが修理する必要があったのです。クマが建物の中の新しい場所に移された後、ネコは檻の周りを歩き回り、クマを探しましたが、友達を見つけることができませんでした。 最終的にスタッフは檻の修理を終え、クマを新しい檻に戻しました。ネコも檻に戻ってきました。ネコは檻の中に入ったり、外に出たりすることができました。クマとネコは再び一緒に楽しい時間を過ごし、幸せそうに見えました。
異なる種類の動物がこれほど仲良くなるとは信じられないかもしれません。 なぜクマとネコが争うことなく仲良く過ごせたのかは分かりませんが、動物たちから学ぶことが大切です。
Did you smile or laugh today? Do you often smile at your family, friends, or people around you? One interesting study shows that children laugh about four hundred times every day, but adults laugh only about fifteen times every day. How about you? If you usually don’t smile or laugh a lot, please remember this. Smiling and laughing have wonderful powers.
There is a wonderful story about the power of laughing. About fifty years ago, a man who lived in America became very sick. He couldn’t move in his bed in the hospital. It was difficult for him to sleep because he was very sick. His doctor didn’t know how to cure him. So he decided to do it by himself.
In the hospital, he read a book. It was about our way of thinking and our body. Then he thought, “If I feel happy, I can cure myself.” So he decided to do some things every day. One of them was to laugh. He read funny stories and watched funny movies. After laughing, he could sleep. He became better. Some months later, he was out of his bed and began to work again. And some years later, he began to work at one of the most famous universities in America. He taught the power of laughing there.
Smiling and laughing are good for our body. Then, what is happening in our body when we smile or laugh?
Our body is made of about sixty trillion cells. In our body, about three thousand bad cells are born every day, but five billion good cells, which we always have in our body, break the bad cells. One experiment shows that the good cells become active when we laugh. The experiment was done by two doctors in Japan in 1992. They asked nineteen people to see a very funny show for three hours in a theater. Before and after the show, the doctors checked how the good cells in each person became active. And they found that the good cells became more active after the show.
One of the doctors said, “Let’s laugh! But if you can’t laugh, just smile. Smiling is also good for the good cells in your body.”
Smiling is also good for our mind. Usually, we can’t smile when we are in a difficult situation. But smiling is very important in such situations. There are some good examples in the world of sports.
In 2011, the Japanese women’s soccer team had an important game against America. Many people watching the game thought, “The American team is stronger than the Japanese team.” Actually, the American team was very strong. But the Japanese players didn’t give up. And when they were in a very difficult situation, they looked different from the American players. They were smiling in the situation. Smiling was very important to them. Finally, they won the game. After the game, some of the players from the two teams smiled at each other.
Do you smile every day? Smiling is a small thing in our life. But sometimes it is very important. It has the power to change you. It also has the power to change the people around you. So, let’s smile.
笑いの力に関する素晴らしい話があります。今から約50年前、アメリカに住んでいたある男性が重い病気にかかりました。彼は病院のベッドで動くことができませんでした。病状が深刻で、眠ることさえ困難でした。彼の医者は治療法が分かりませんでした。 そこで彼は、自分自身で治療しようと決めたのです。
私たちの体は約60兆個の細胞でできています。体内では、毎日約3000個の悪い細胞が生まれますが、5,000億個の良い細胞がそれらを壊してくれます。ある研究では、笑うことで良い細胞が活発になることが分かっています。この実験は、1992年に日本の2人の医師によって行われました。 彼らは19人の被験者に、3時間の面白いショーを劇場で観てもらいました。ショーの前後で、医師たちは被験者の良い細胞がどれほど活性化するかを調べました。そして、ショーの後に良い細胞がより活性化していることを発見しました。
2011年、日本の女子サッカーチームがアメリカと重要な試合をしました。多くの観客は、「アメリカのチームの方が日本より強い」と思っていました。実際、アメリカのチームはとても強かったのです。しかし、日本の選手たちは諦めませんでした。そして、彼らは困難な状況にあっても、アメリカの選手たちとは異なる表情をしていました。 彼らは笑顔で試合をしていたのです。笑顔は彼らにとって非常に重要でした。そしてついに、日本チームは試合に勝ちました。試合後、両チームの選手たちの何人かはお互いに笑顔を交わしました。